Financing and Scholarships
It is essential to budget and prepare your stay abroad by carrying out the required research into the cost of living in your host country to ensure you have the necessary financial resources. The forecast budget may vary significantly according to such criteria as:
- Cost of living in the host country
- Your lifestyle
- Exchange rate
- Type of accommodation
- Extra-curricular travel project
Tuition fees will vary from one university to another. Bilateral exchange agreements may enable you to benefit from the standard Paris School of Business student rate. For unilateral agreements, tuition fees may be equal to or higher than those of Paris School of Business if the pricing policy of partner institutions are more expensive.
In addition to tuition fees, the main types of expenses incurred are as follows:
- Accommodation
- International medical insurance
- Visa
- Transport
- Administrative fees for the host institution
Some countries such as the United States demand issue of a visa, for which students must provide proof of their financial resources in order to budget for the cost of living in the host country. Others such as Australia demand that students sign up for a specific medical insurance.
Paris School of Business is a private, non-State institution of higher education. Scholarship and subsidy opportunities offered to students enrolled in private institutions are limited.
Erasmus+ scholarship

As a signee of the Erasmus+ charter, Paris School of Business makes an annual subsidy application to the Erasmus+ agency. The application and amount of the subsidy allocated are approved in July of each year for a limited number of students.
Third- and fourth-year Grande Ecole-Master in Management program students as well as second-year Bachelor program students are eligible for the Erasmus+ scholarship. However, please note that apprenticeship students going on a semester-long placement and as part of an Erasmus+ agreement (mainly within the European Union) may also apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship.
It should also be noted that internships within Erasmus+ program countries may be financed if the budget allocated to Paris School of Business permits it. In this instance, Paris School of Business will inform students before the beginning of the internship period.
The amount of the scholarship varies according to various criteria, such as the country of study or the social situation of the student. In addition, additional financial assistance may be offered to any person with a disability going abroad as part of an Erasmus+ placement.
For further information on the Erasmus+ program within Paris School of Business, please consult the following page: Erasmus+
Crous scholarship
Given that going on a study placement is carried out via Paris School of Business and in collaboration with a higher education institution abroad, students receiving a Crous scholarship may continue to receive this financial assistance during their study abroad period.
Further information is available on the Paris Crous website.
Paris School of Business merit-based scholarship
The most deserving students may obtain a merit-based scholarship that can be awarded during a study abroad period. The awarding commissions are held in November, February and April. It is therefore essential to apply by 15 April for the following academic year. The scholarship may be obtained in the form of a monetary payment or a tuition fees rebate. Internal communiqués detailing the registration procedure are sent once students are enrolled.
Other types of financial assistance
Certain municipalities offer placement assistance, although such cases are rare. You should contact the town hall of your town/city of residence to find out if such financial support is available.
Given the status of Paris School of Business, the Île-de-France Mobility Scholarship (formerly known as the “AMIE Aide à la Mobilité Internationale”) is not available to our students.
We also recommend that students find out directly in the host country, town/city or university if financial support is available. Certain universities offer merit-based scholarships to students with a strong academic application file.