international professors
permanent professors

"As the academic and intellectual cornerstone of our School, the Faculty of Paris School of Business brings together outstanding professors and researchers, covering all areas of Management. This ongoing commitment reflects our pursuit of academic excellence, innovation, and social responsibility. With 52% of international faculty members hailing from the world’s most prestigious universities, our Faculty embodies core values: global openness, diversity, boldness, and responsibility. These principles drive the education of our students, enabling them to address the current and future challenges of a complex and globalized environment.
Through strategic partnerships with leading companies and renowned academic institutions, both nationally and internationally, the Paris School of Business Faculty actively contributes to cutting-edge research, enriching our teaching and preparing our students to become skilled, forward-thinking professionals.
The Faculty of Paris School of Business fosters a stimulating and inclusive environment, conducive to the intellectual, professional, and personal development of all our students."
Dr. Héger GABTENI, Dean for Faculty and Research
Paris School of Business is structured around five academic departments, each coordinated by a research professor, reflecting the school’s commitment to aligning research and teaching.
Department of Economics
Research in the Department of Economics focuses on economic, societal, and environmental issues. Topics such as the relationship between monetary policy, interest rates, and inflation, as well as energy economics, are explored.
Hassan OBEID, Full Professor, PhD & HDR
Department of Finance
Research in the Department of Finance aims to promote innovative research on emerging topics in market finance, banking finance, corporate finance, and financial accounting. Issues related to banking and financial policies as well as Corporate Finance are studied.
Nabila BOUKEF JLASSI, Associate Professor, Research, PhD
Department of Management & Strategy
Research in the Department of Management & Strategy focuses on innovation, knowledge management and creativity, digital transformation, and entrepreneurship.
Nessrine OMRANI, Full Professor, PhD & HDR
Department of Marketing & Communication
Research in the Department of Marketing & Communication focuses on technological interactions and marketing strategy, as well as customer experience marketing, offering new insights into understanding and optimizing the consumer experience.
Wissal BEN ARFI, Associate Professor, Research, PhD
Department of Languages & Cross-disciplinary Skills
This department encompasses language teaching, leadership, and technological courses.
Anne-Catherine ANTUNES
Senior Lecturer
Anne-Catherine Antunes, Master in Law, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, in 1992 is an Associate professor in the Economics Department of Paris School of Business.
She teaches business law and taxation, employment law and related topics in the MiM Program
Teaching areas: Employer Law - Labor Law
Serap ATAN VANDERCRUYSSEN, PhD in Geopolitics
Associate Professor
Serap ATAN VANDERCRUYSSEN is responsible for the promotion and funding of research, with expertise in European public policies. She has held key roles, including Head of European Affairs at the Business Association of Turkey in Brussels and Paris, and Director of the think tank Institut du Bosphore. She obtained her PhD in Political Science from the Université Libre de Bruxelles in 2008 and has worked as a consultant for research and innovation funding.
Teaching areas: Geopolitics, International Relations
Raphaël Homayoun BOROUMAND, PhD in Economics , HDR
Full Professor
Professor Raphaël Boroumand holds a MSc in Applied Economics from Dauphine University, an MBA from Kogod School of Business, American University (Washington D.C.), and a Ph.D in Economics from EHESS-Paris, and an Habilitation to Direct Research from University Paris Saclay. Since 2013, he is Full Professor at Paris School of Business. His research interests lie in the area of climate policies, risk hedging and market regulation in energy and commodities markets. Prior to joining academia, Prof. Raphaël Boroumand worked for several years as a strategy consultant and economist for major consulting firms in the US and Europe. He is co-author of "20 idées reçues sur l'énergie" (de boeck, 2015). He is often quoted on energy issues by french and international medias (press, TV, radios).
Teaching areas : Economics for Managers 1, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, Financial Markets
Sandrine CHOKRON
Senior Lecturer
Sandrine Chokron is Senior Lecturer at Paris School of Business. She teaches taxation in Bachelor and Master Degree Programs. She is also interested in Tax Law.
Teaching areas: Corporate Taxation - Personal Taxation
Pierre COURTIOUX, PhD in Economics, HDR
Full Professor
Pierre Courtioux is full Professor of Economics at Paris School of Business. He is currently associate research fellow of the Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne. He is specialized in higher education economics and social policy evaluation. He has worked as an expert for various French institutions (Conseil d’Analyse Economique, Observatoire National de la Pauvreté et de l’Exclusion Sociale, Conseil d’Orientation des Retraites, French Treasury) and International institutions (CEDEFOP, European Commission, International Labour Organisation).
Teaching areas: International Economics, Statistical Data Processing
Frédéric ENCEL, PhD in Geopolitics, HDR
Full Professor
Frederic Encel is Full Professor of Geopolitics and International relations in the Economics Department of Paris School of Business.
His teaching and research areas focus on geopolitics, international relations and related topics.
He organizes every year several Round Table and conferences such as the annual Rencontres Géopolitiques de Trouville-sur-Mer in partnership with Paris School of Business. He also regularly intervenes of several French news channel to comment on the latest topics related to international relations.
Teaching area: Geopolitics
José GARCIA REVELO, PhD in Economics
Assistant Professor
Jose Garcia Revello (PhD in Economics, Université d'Orléans, 2019) is an Associate Professor in the Economics Department at Paris School of Business. He has previously been a Research Fellow at Universidad Católica Portuguesa (Finance Department) and served as a Research and Teaching Assistant at both Université Gustave Eiffel (Economics Department) and Université d'Orléans (Economics Department).
He teaches courses in Banking Regulation, Research Methodologies, and contemporary economic issues and supervises several Master’s dissertations across various programs.
His primary research interests include Banking and Finance, Macroprudential Supervision and Banking Regulation, Monetary Policy, and Climate Risk. His research has been presented at numerous national and international conferences, workshops, and seminars in economics and finance.
His work has also been published in leading journals such as the Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, and Revue Française d’Économie.
Teaching areas: Contemporary Economic Issues, International Bank Regulation
Khaled GUESMI, PhD in Management, HDR
Full Professor
Dr. Khaled Guesmi is a Full Professor of Finance at Paris School of Business & Director, Center of Research for Energy and Climate Change Change (CRECC). He undertakes research and lectures on empirical finance, applied time-series econometrics, and commodity markets. Dr. Guesmi obtains his HDR (Habilitation for Supervising Doctoral Research) in July 2015. He holds his Ph.D. in Economics from the University Paris Nanterre in 2011, and his M.Sc. in Finance from Paris I University of Sorbonne in 2005. Previously, he served as associate research positions at “EconomiX” laboratory at the University of Paris Ouest La Défense and "ERF" Economic Research Forum, Egypt. In 2003 Dr. Guesmi joined the UNESCO as a Research Manager, and in 2008, he joined “Caisse de Dépôts et Consignations” as Financial Analyst.
Teaching areas: International Economics - International Development Strategy
Jean-Max KOSKIEVIC, PhD in Economics
Associate Professor
Jean-Max KOSKIEVIC, (PhD in Economics, University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne in 1999), is an Associate Professor in the EcoFi Department of Paris School of Business.
He teaches HR Management, Art Management, Industrial Organization and related topics in the MIME program. His main research interests include Game Theory, Decision Theory, Bargaining Theory, Art Management. His researches have been published in journals such as Annales d'Economie and Statistiques, Revue Economique, RIPCO, Economics Letters. His researches have also been presented at numerous national and international Decision Theory conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
He is currently in charge of the Master HR & Digital Transformation.
Teaching areas: Human Resource Management, Compensation
François LAFARGUE, PhD in Geopolitics
Associate Professor
François Lafargue is Senior Lecturer of International Affairs at Paris School of Business. He holds a PhD in Sciences politiques/ géopolitique from Université of Université Paris VIII et Paris V.
He teaches international relations and related topics in Master in Management Program and Bachelor programs. His interests lie in the area of risk management in the internationalization process and geopolitics.
His research were published in Journals such as Revue de Défense Nationale, Questions Internationales, Les Grands dossiers de Diplomatie.
Teaching area: Emerging Powers
Alexandra LE CHAFFOTEC, PhD in Economics
Associate Professor
Alexandra LE CHAFFOTEC, (PHD in Economics, University of Paris Panthéon Sorbonne in 2012), is an Associate Professor in the Economics Department of Paris School of Business. She is a member of the Chair Newpic. She teaches Economics, organizational behavior, and related topics in the MIM programs and Msc program. Her main research interests include organizational issues, innovation, knowledge management, healthcare system. Her research has been published in journals such as Management International, Innovations, European Journal of Innovation Management. Her research has also been presented at several national and international economics and management conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: Economics for Managers 1, Microeconomics & Macroeconomics, Contemporary Economic Issues & Challenges
Mickael MELKI, Ph.D. in Economics, HDR
Full Professor
Mickael MELKI, PhD in Economics in 2012 (Paris 1 Sorbonne), HDR in 2020 (Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas), is a Full Professor in the Economics Department of Paris School of Business. He teaches "International Monetary Economics" and "Contemporary Economic Issues" in Bachelor and Master, as well as research-related methodological courses in the DBA program. His main research interests include Political Economy, long-run economic development, Public Finance and Economic History. His researches have been published in journals such as European Economic Review, Journal of Comparative Economics and Public Choice. His researches have also been presented at numerous international conferences and have been awarded by the European Commission (Marie Curie Seal of Excellence). He has also been invited as a Visiting Researcher at UCLA (US), York University (UK) and Bar-Ilan University (Tel-Aviv). He is currently Associate Researcher at Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas (LEMMA). Regarding the diffusion of his research in the media, he has published numerous articles in Le Point and he is the Founder and Editor-in-chief, since 2021, of Intelligible, a review of scientific popularization, edited by the Foundation of PSB.
Teaching area: International Monetary Economics
Hassan OBEID, PhD in Management, HDR
Associate Professor
Hassan OBEID, (Ph.D in Management Sciences (Finance), UPMF Grenoble in 2006), is Full Professor in the Economics of Paris School of Business. He is a Head of the department of Economics. He teaches Finance for Managers, Financial Analysis, Corporate Valuation, Financial Markets, Finance Fundamentals, Corporate Management Strategy and Communication and related topics in the Corporate Finance. His main research interests include Bank Efficiency, Corporate Financial Performance, CSR and Financial Performance, ICT and Firm Performance, Privatisation. His researches have been published in journals such as Annals of Operations Research, Int. J. Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Bankers, Markets & Investors. His researches have also been presented at numerous national and international Finance & Banking conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: Finance for Managers - Financial Analysis
Humaira-Kamal PASHA, Ph.D. in Economics
Assistant Professor
Humaira Kamal PASHA, (PhD. in Economics, Université Clermont Auvergne in 2021), is Assistant Professor in the Economics Department of Paris School of Business. She teaches International & Cultural Management, International Finance, Economics & Finance for Managers, International Trade, and related topics in the MIM Program.
Her main research interests include Development Economics, Econometrics, Quantitative Analysis, Gender, Climate Change, SDGs, Human Capital Development, International Economics, and Welfare.
Teaching areas: International & Cultural Management, International Finance
Thomas PORCHER, PhD in Economics
Associate Professor
Thomas Porcher, PhD in economy, Sorbonne University in 2006, is an Associate Professor in the economics departement of Paris School of Business.
He teaches "Economie Internationale", "Economie pour Managers 1 - Microéconomie et Macroéconomie" and related topics in the Master in Management and Bachelor programs.
His main research interests include topics related to energy, economics and finance.
His research have been published in journals such as Energy economics, Energy policy , Finance research letters, Applied Economics Letter.
Teaching areas: Economics for Managers 1, Microeconomics & Macroeconomics, International Economics
Florian PRADINES, PhD. in Economics
Associate Professor
Florian PRADINES, (PhD in Economics, University of Orléans in 2019), is an Associate Professor in the Economic, Monetary and Environmental Policies department of Paris School of Business. He teaches “International Monetary Economics” and related topics in the Programme Grande École (PGE). His main research interests include monetary policy, financial stability, macroprudential policies and applied econometrics. His researches have been published in journals such as Journal of Financial Stability, Journal of International Money and Finance, Finance Research Letters. His researches have also been presented at numerous national and international economic conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: International Monetary Economics, International Economics
Alessandro RAVINA, PhD. in Economics
Assistant Professor
Alessandro Ravina, (PhD in Financial Economics, 2020 - Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University), is an Assistant Professor in the Economics department of Paris School of Business. He is a member of the Center of Research for Energy and Climate Change (CRECC). He teaches Finance for Managers (MBA), Financial Markets (MSc) and Corporate Finance (MSc). His main research interests include Climate Finance, Asset Pricing, and Cryptocurrencies. His researches have been published in journals such as The Energy Journal. His researches have also been presented at numerous national and international Finance and Economics conferences. He co-founded and serves as consultant for a financial advisory firm.
Teaching areas: International Economics, International Development Strategy
Christian UROM, PhD in Economics
Assistant Professor
Christian Urom, (PhD in Economics, Université Paris VIII Vincennes – Saint Denis in 2021), is an Assistant Professor in the Economics Department of Paris School of Business. He is a Project Manager of the Centre of Research for Energy and Climate Change (CRECC). He teaches Managerial Economics, International Economics and related topics in the BBA and Master programs. His main research interests include Energy Finance, Analysis of Financial Markets, International Finance, Digital Currencies. His researches have been published in journals such as Energy Economics, International Review of Financial Analysis, Technological Forecasting and Social Change. His researches have also been presented at numerous national and international Energy Finance conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: International Economics, Mathematical tools for analysis
Associate Professor
Karine VARTANIAN, PhD in Law, University Paris XII Nanterre in 1995, is Senior Lecturer in the Economic Department of Paris School of Business. She teaches Labor Law and Trade Law and related topics in the Bachelor Program.
Teaching areas: Social Law, Commercial Law
Rebecca BENAIS CHEMAMA, PhD in Management
Assistant Professor
Rebecca BENAIS ALLOUCHE, PhD in Management, Angers University in 2020, is an Assistant Professor in the Finance Department of Paris School of Business.
She teaches accounting, financial mathematics, financial markets and related topics in the Master in Management and Bachelor Programs of Paris School of Business.
Her main research interests include topics related to finance and accounting. Her researches have been published in journals such as Applied Economics.
Teaching areas: Financial Mathematics, Financial Markets
Senior Lecturer
Claude Bensimon is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Finance at Paris School of Business. He teaches Corporate Finance and Management Control in the Bachelor and Master in Management (PGE) programs. He also heads the Audit and Management Control track, which consists of both a Bachelor and a Master in the Grande École Program. Finally, he is responsible for the Professional Coaching track in the Bachelor and PGE programs.
Teaching areas: Corporate Finance, Management Control
Nathalie BITBOL-SABA, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Nathalie BITBOL-SABA (PhD in Management Sciences, Université Paris Descartes, France, 2015) is an Associate Professor in the Finance Department of Paris School of Business. She teaches corporate finance, business control, organizational management and related topics in the Programme Grande Ecole and also research design in corporate finance in the DBA program. Her main research interests include gender in professional service firms, corporate governance and diversity, corporate govenrance and CSR. Her researches have been published in journals such as Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Journal of Knowledge Management and Journal of International Management. Her researches have also been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published as Conference Proceedings such as Critical Perspectives on Accounting conference (CPA), Academy of Management (AOM), European Group for Organzational Studies (EGOS) and Gender, Work and Organization.
Teaching areas: Finance for Managers, Management and Management Control 3
Nabila BOUKEF, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Nabila BOUKEF, PHD in Economics, University of Orléans in 2015, is an Associate Professor and head of Finance Department of Paris School of Business. She is a member of the CRECC. She teaches Corporate Finance, Finance for Managers, Banking and financial regulation. Her main research interests include International Finance, Financial Markets, Financial regulation, Monetary policies. Her researches have been published in journals such as Review of International Economics, Economic Modelling, Research in International Business and Finance. Her researches have also been presented at numerous national and international Economics conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: Finance for Managers, Contemporary Economic Issues
Whelsy BOUNGOU, PhD in Management
Assistant Professor
Whelsy BOUNGOU, PhD in Banking and Finance, University of Bordeaux in 2021, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Finance of Paris School of Business. He teaches corporate finance and research design in banking for the Doctorate of Business Administration level. His main research interests include banking intermediation, financial stability, climate change, and cyber risk. His researches have been published in journals such as Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control ; Economics Letters ; International Journal of Economics and Finance ; Finance Research Letters. His researches have also been presented at numerous national and international banking and finance conferences and published as Conference Proceedings. He co-organises the PSB Workshop on banks and financial markets.
Teaching areas: Corporate Finance
Mariem BRAHIM, PhD in Economics
Associate Professor
Dr. Mariem Brahim is an Associate Professor at Paris School of Business. She holds her Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Sorbonne Paris Nord in 2016. Dr. brahim has published articles in leading refereed journals, including Energy Economics; Environmental Science and Pollution Research; Research in International Business and Finance; Management International; Gestion 2000; Revue d’Économie Du Développement; etc. Furthermore, she published a high quality of online articles in: Le monde; La Tribune; Les Echos; Contrepoints; Jeune Afrique; African Business Magazine; Bpifrance; etc. Dr. Brahim applies developed econometrics tools to examine a broad set of topics related to the FDI International Political Economy and Applied Econometrics. Her research includes topics, such as International Economics, Applied Macroeconomics, Finance, and Energy. Actually, Dr. Brahim works on finishing some books and prepares for new collaboration with several Professors. This collaboration helps to develop ideas related to fix special issues in indexed journals and to publish new papers.
Teaching areas: Technical Analysis, Financial Diagnosis
Didier CAREL
Senior Lecturer
Didier CAREL, graduated in economics and management, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, in 1991, is Professor in the Finance Department of Paris School of Business. He teaches accounting and finance for managers and related subjects in the Grande Ecole Program.
Teaching areas: Advanced Accounting - Finance for Managers
Emmanuel DE LA BURGADE, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Emmanuel de la BURGADE, Doctorate in Organization and Management Science, Mines Paris Tech in 2009, Master in Business Administration, University of Ottawa in 1997, is an Associate Professor in the Finance Department of Paris School of Business. He teaches Financial Management, Market Finance, Fundamentals of mathematics for finance, Banking management simulation game, Strategic Management, and related topics in the Master in Investment & Financial Risk Mangement, the Master Audit & Contrôle de Gestion, and the MSc in International Finance. His main research interests include services innovation and management, family-owned management and governance, business valuation and dividend policy. His researches have been published in journals such as Journal of Strategy and Management, Revue Sciences de Gestion, Économies et Sociétés. His researches have also been presented at numerous national and international management conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: Financial Management, Strategic Diagnosis
Senior Lecturer
After embarking an hotel and catering management career then language career, David Doriol has shifted in the field of accounting and management control. After obtaining the diploma of Accounting and Auditing he quickly led a professional activity in parallel with a teaching activity. Once he got the “French aggregation” Doriol David turned to Senior Lecturer at Paris School of Business, where he is teaching the consolidation of the accounts of companies and IFRS as well as the supply chain management control.
Teaching areas: Production Management, Supply Chain Management
Nima FAZELI, PhD in Economics
Assistant Professor
Nima Fazeli, (PhD in Economics, ESSEC Business School in 2020), is an Assistant Professor in the Finance Department of Paris School of Business. He is the Head of the MSc International Finance program at PSB. He teaches Financial Analysis, International Economics and related topics in the PGE program. His main research interests include Financial Intermediation, Banking, Monetary Economics, Macroeconomics. His researches have also been presented at numerous national and international Economics and Finance conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: Economics for Managers 1, Microeconomics & Macroeconomics, Financial Statements Analysis
Héger GABTENI, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Héger Gabteni is Dean for faculty and research of Paris School of Business. She holds a Ph.D. in management sciences from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, and joined PSB in 2010 as Associate Professor of finance and Head of the Master Corporate Finance. Her teaching and research areas focus on corporate finance, financial markets and corporate governance. She was also responsible for educational innovation, the deployment of blended learning as well as several projects related to educational innovation, such as the integration of virtual reality in teaching or integration of experiential learning through the use of Bloomberg terminals.
Teaching areas: Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, Financial Communication, Financial Markets
Christophe HURON
Senior Lecturer
Christophe Huron, (Master in audit and management control, Ecole Supérieur de Gestion in 2000), is an Associate professor in the Finance department of Paris School of Business. He teaches accounting and related topics in the MIM program.
Teaching areas: International Accounting 1, International Accounting
Isabelle JACOB
Senior Lecturer
Isabelle Jacob, (D.E.S.S. in Finance/Taxation], Sorbonne Paris 1] in 1991), is an Associate professor in the Finance department of Paris School of Business. She teaches Principles of general accounting, Advanced general accounting and related topics in the MIM and BBA Programs].
Teaching areas: Advanced Accounting, General Principles of Accounting
Béatrice JEANDIN
Teaching areas: Business Plan, Balanced scorecard & integrated report
Benjamin KEDDAD, PhD in Economics, HDR
Full Professor
Benjamin KEDDAD, (PHD/HDR in Economics, Aix-Marseille Université in 2013), is a Full Professor in the Finance Department of Paris School of Business. He is a member of the ResearchLab and the Academic Dean of the DBA
He teaches Economics, Research Methodology and related topics in the DBA and Msc programs. His main research interests include international finance, monetary economics, emerging and Asian economies and econometrics. His research have been published in journals such as Journal of International Money and Finance, Applied Economics and Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. His research have also been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching area: Capstone Methodology
Nicolas LOPEZ
Senior Lecturer
Nicolas Lopez is Senior Lecturer at Paris School of Business. He teaches Quantitative Methods, mathematics and related topics in Bachelor and Master degree programs.
Teaching areas: Financial Mathematics, Introduction to Statistics
Francis OSEI TUTU, PhD in Management
Assistant Professor
Francis Osei-Tutu is an Associate Professor in the Finance Department of Paris School of Business. He holds a PhD in finance from University of Strasbourg.
He teaches financial statements analysis, financial and strategic analysis and related topics in the Master in Management Program.
His research focuses on examining the link between finance and development and exploring the policies needed to build an efficient financial system. His research have been published in journals International Review of Financial Analysis, Public Choice, World Economy,
Teaching areas: Financial Statements Analysis, Financial & Strategic Analysis
Catherine RECOULES
Senior Lecturer
Catherine Recoules is Senior Lecturer at Paris School of Business. She teaches accounting and related topics in Bachelor and Master degree programs.
Teaching areas: Advanced Accounting, General Principles of Accounting
Hatem RJIBA, PhD in Management, HDR
Associate Professor
Hatem Rjiba is a Professor in Finance at Paris School of Business, France. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Paris Est Créteil Val de Marne (UPEC) and a Habilitation to Supervise Research (HDR) from the University of Paris Saclay. His research focuses on corporate governance, financial accounting, and corporate climate finance. Hatem has published several articles in high-ranked academic journals such as the Journal of Banking & Finance, the Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Emerging Markets Review, and Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments (Journal).
Teaching areas: Portfolio Management - Accounting
Samir SAADI, PhD in Management
Full Professor
Samir SAADI, Ph.D. in Finance, Smith School of Business of Queen’s University in 2012, is a Full Professor in the Finance Department of the Paris School of Business. He is a member of the Center of Research for Energy and Climate Change. He teaches Principles of Corporate Finance and related topics in the International Program - Bachelor in Business and Administration. His main research interests include behavioral finance, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, fintech, IPOs, and mergers & acquisitions. His research has been published in journals such as Financial Management, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Financial Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of Management and Governance, International Journal of Managerial Finance, Review of Financial Economics, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Journal of Multinational Financial Management, and Journal of Applied Finance. His research has also been presented at numerous national and international finance conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching area: Principles of Corporate Finance
Federica SALVADE, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Federica Salvadè, PhD in Finance, (Catholique University and Paris I University in 2015), is an Associate Professor in the Finance Department of Paris School of Business. She teaches Financial Markets, Corporate Finance and related topics.
Her main research interests include Banking and Corporate Finance. Her researches have been published in journals such as Management Science and Journal of Financial Intermediation. Her researches have also been presented at numerous national and international Finance conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: Financial Markets, Bloomberg Workshop
Syrine SASSI, PhD in Management
Assistant Professor
Syrine Sassi is an Associate Professor of Finance at Paris School of Business in France. She holds a Ph.D in Finance obtained at the University of Paris Est Créteil (UPEC) in 2017. She carried out research visits at School of Accounting and Finance (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), and Telfer School of Management (University of Ottawa). Her research, focusing mainly on corporate governance, financial management, and decision-making, is published in internationally recognised peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Financial Research, and European Financial Management.
Teaching areas: Financial Markets, Finance for Managers
Stephan SILVESTRE, PhD in Economics
Associate Professor
Stephan Silvestre (PhD in Economics at the University Paris Ouest Nanterre in the laboratory EconomiX) is an Associate Professor in the Economics Department of Paris School of Business.
He teaches Mathematics and related topics in the Bachelor and Master in Managementr programs.
His main research interests include Asymmetries, volatility and price determinants on energy markets,
He is also the Head of the Mathematics Department and operates as the "Assurance of Learning" coordinator of Paris School of Business.
Teaching areas: Financial Mathematics, Business Data Analytics
Alain SOLIMAN, PhD in Management
Assistant Professor
Dr. Alain SOLIMAN, Assistant Professor at Paris School of Business Finance Department, received his Ph.D in Finance from Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. As a visiting Scholar at Columbia Business School of Columbia University, he conducted research on the idiosyncratic risk for his thesis. He teaches Management control in the PGE3 program and Finance for Managers in the PGE M1 program. His research encompasses asset pricing, corporate social responsibility, accounting information quality, and energy transition. It has been published in journal such Finance Research Letters. It has also been presented at several national and international finance conferences. As for his teaching experience, he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Finance and Economics.
Teaching areas: Corporate Finance, Finance for Managers
Francesco APPIO, PhD in Management, HDR
Full Professor
Francesco Paolo APPIO, (PhD. In Management, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in 2013 ; HDR in Management, Université Paris-Saclay in 2021), is a Full Professor in the Department of Management & Strategy of Paris School of Business. He also received the qualification of Professeur des Universités (Section 6 – Sciences de Gestion et du Management) from CNRS. He teaches Innovation Management, Research Methods and related topics in the BBA and MIM Programs. His main research interests include digital transformation at multiple levels, sources of innovation, consequences of innovation failures, microfoundations of breakthroughs. His research have been published in journals such as Journal of Product Innovation Management, Long Range Planning, Information & Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. His research have also been presented at numerous national and international management conferences and published as Conference Proceedings. Other Activities Editorial responsibilities in academic journals : Associate Editor – Technological Forecasting and Social Change Department Editor – IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management Editorial Review Board – Journal of Product Innovation Management Workshop/conference organisations TEMSCON Conference (2022) CINet Conference (2013, 2016, 2017) International workshop (IPAG-EMLV-GEM) (2018) International workshop (Parthenope University) (2019) International workshop (Paris School of Business) (2023) Paper Development Workshop (Politecnico di Milano) (2021) Membership of Board or other responsabilities in think thanks, NGOs..etc Member of the Doctoral College – University of Messina (Italy) (2021-ongoing).
Teaching areas: Management & Strategy
Olivier APTEL, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Since September 2024, Dr. Olivier Aptel has held the position of Dean & Director General of Paris School of Business.
Between 2017 and 2024, Dr. Aptel was Dean & Director General of Rabat Business School, International University of Rabat (Morocco).
Between 2006 and 2017, he held the position of Dean & Director General at Rennes School of Business (France).
Previously, he was Vice-Dean and Dean of Audencia Business School (France).
Dr. Aptel started his academic career at NEOMA Business School (France) as Professor of Management and Director of CESEM. He has been visiting faculty at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (US) between 1997 and 2002.
He participated as team member in numerous accreditation peer review visits for EFMD and AASCB.
His research interests focus on logistics and supply chain management. He holds a doctorate in management from the Aix-Marseille University (1999).
Teaching areas: Management
Nicolas AUBOUIN, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Nicolas AUBOUIN, (PHD in Management, Mines ParisTech / Nanterre La Défense University in 2009), is an Associate Professor in the Management & Strategy Department of Paris School of Business. He is a member of the NewPIC Chair. He teaches Management, Project Management, Strategy and related topics in the MIM Program. His main research interests include Innovation & creative management, Open Innovation laboratories, Art thinking. His research have been published in journals such as International Management Journal, Innovations Journal, International Journal of Psychology and Organizational Behaviour. His research have also been presented at numerous national and international Innovation Management, conferences and published as Conference Proceedings. Other Activities : Coordinator of Management courses at Paris School of Business Reviewer for Journals (International Management Journal,…) and Conferences (EURAM, AIMS, AEI,…)
Teaching areas: Project Management - Organizational Behavior
Marta BALLATORE, PhD in Management
Assistant Professor
Marta Ballatore, PhD in Management from the Université Côte d'Azur in 2023, is an Assistant Professor in the Management Department of Paris School of Business.
Her research focuses on the digital transformation resulting from emerging technologies (AI, blockchain, IoT), particularly in terms of decision making and IT governance. She deploys qualitative methods (semi-directive interviews, focus groups) and quantitative methods (surveys, experiments).
She teaches Strategic Management, Information Systems and related topics in PGE, Bachelor and MBA programmes. Marta Ballatore is also interested in innovative teaching methods. She was awarded the AUNEGe FNEGE prize for the best teaching system in the digital age "meilleur dispositif pédagogique à l'ère numérique" in June 2022.
Teaching areas: Strategic Management
Yosr BEN TAHAR, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Yosr BEN TAHAR, (PhD in entrepreneurship, University of Montpellier in 2015), is an Associate professor in the management Department of Paris School of Business. She is a member of the Chair: Wine & Tourism. She teaches Management & Leadership, Global Strategy & International Development, Entrepeneurs Psychology, Strategy Auditing, Research Method, and related topics in the Programme Grande Ecole (PGE).
Her main research interests include entrepreneurship psychology with a focus on entrepreneurial stress and satisfaction, entrepreneurial identities and legitimacy building.
Her researches have been published in journals such as Small Business Economics, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, Revue de l'entrepreneurial. Her researches have also been presented at numerous national and international entrepreneurship, small business, management and wine conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: Entrepreneurship, Organizational Behavior
Ekaterina BESSON, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Ekaterina BESSON, (PhD in Management, University of Birmingham Business School in 2013), is an Associate Professor in the Management Department of Paris School of Business. She is a member of the newPIC Chair.
She teaches Strategic Management, Organizational Behaviour, Social Responsibility in International Business, Ethical and Responsible Leadership and related topics in the Undergraduate (BBA) and Postgraduate (MSc, MBA) programmes.
Her main research interests include Smart technology usage, Innovation management, and Relationships in business markets. Her researches have been published in journals such as Information and Management, Systèmes d’Information et Management, Journal of Service Management, Business Process Management Journal. Her researches have also been presented at numerous national and international innovation management conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: CSR & Sustainable Development, Strategic Management
Hélène BUSSY-SOCRATE, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Hélène Bussy-Socrate is Associate Professor at Paris School of Business. She received her PHD in organization studies from Paris Dauphine University, and did her Postdoc at Warwick Business School.
Her research interests lie at the intersection between organizational strategy and new technologies. She focuses mainly on legitimation issues for organizations and collective mostly in healthcare. At Paris School of Business she teaches Business Strategy and Digital Business in the Master in Management and Master of Science Programs.
Teaching areas: Corporate Strategy - Strategic Management
Patrice CAILLEBA, PhD in Philosophy, HDR
Full Professor
An alumnus of Harvard BS and ESCP BS, Patrice CAILLEBA holds a Doctorate in Philosophy (Sorbonne University, 2004) and an Habilitation in Management (Paris Saclay University, 2019). He is a Full Professor in the Management Department of Paris School of Business. Additionaly, he is accreditation manager at PSB and member of the Think Tank Institut Sapiens.
He teaches Management, Organizational Behavior, HR and related topics in the MIM, MBA and DBA programs. His main research interests include management theory, organizational behaviour and business ethics. He is member of the Harvard Business Review Advisory Council.
Previously, he worked in the retail and consulting industry for 7 years.
Teaching areas: Strategic HR Management - Organization of the HR Function
Ignasi CAPDEVILA, PhD in Management, HDR
Full Professor
Ignasi CAPDEVILA, PhD in Management, HEC Montréal (QC, Canada) in 2015, is a Full Professor in the Management of Paris School of Business. He is a member of the newPIC chair, and associate researcher at l’École Polytechnique (i3-CRG). He teaches Corporate Strategy, Strategic Management, and Project Management & Principles of Management and related topics in the PGE, MSc and BBA programs. He is also ?head of Digital, Entrepreneurship & Society Track in the DBA program, where he teaches qualitative methods. His main research interests include the innovation dynamics in collaborative spaces and the creative processes from spatial and organizational perspectives. His research is mainly based on qualitative methods. His researches have been published in journals such as Journal of Economic Geography; Industry and Innovation; City, Culture and Society; Journal of Business Strategy; Research in the Sociology of Organizations, among others. His researches have also been presented at numerous national and international Organization Studies and Economic Geography conferences and published as Conference Proceedings. He is member of the editorial board of Journal of Innovation Economics and Innovations /Revue d’économie et de management de l'innovation. He has organized tracks at RGS-IBG Annual Conference and EURAM. He has edited special issues for European Planning Studies and Journal of Innovation Economics and Innovations.
Teaching areas: Corporate Strategy, Project Management & Principles of Management
Gisèle DE CAMPOS RIBEIRO, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Gisele DE CAMPOS RIBEIRO, (PhD in Management Sciences, Paris Dauphine-PSL in 2013), is an Associate Professor in the Marketing Department of Paris School of Business. She teaches Basics of Marketing, Segmentation & Targeting, Marketing studies and related topics in the Programme Grande Ecole. Hers main research interests include Consumer behavior, employer brand, product obsolescence, quantitative methods. Her researches have been published in journals such as Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Corporate Real Estate. Her researches have also been presented at numerous national and international Management Sciences conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: Fundamental Marketing, Market Research / Field Study
Juan DIAZ, PhD student in Management
Assistant Professor
Juan DIAZ, Master of Business Administration, University of South Florida in 2016, is a PhD Candidate in Management at the ‘Centre de Recherche en Gestion’ (CRG) of École Polytechnique.
He is a recipient of the European Commission (CORAL- ITN) which is a Marie Sklodowska Curie Innovative Training Network.
His main research interests include entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial ecosystems, innovation, territorial economic development, and grand challenges.
His research has been presented at European level academic conferences such as European Academy of Management (EURAM) and R&D Management
He has College level teaching experience in the United States of America in the areas of International Business, Organizational Strategy, and Management and Leadership.
He has provided consultancy services in economic development to the government of Colombia
He is interested in academic research and in policy research and consultancy
Teaching area: Strategic Management
Andréa GUIDO, PhD In Economics
Associate Professor
Andrea Guido, (Ph.D. in Economics, University of Lille, 2019), is an Associate Professor in the Management Department of Paris School of Business.
He teaches Leadership and Management, Strategy and related topics in Behavioral Organization in the PGE and MIM program.
His research focuses on the social and individual forces that shape decision-making, and finds application in various domains, such as environmental sustainability, social norm change, voter turnout or team cooperation. His work has been published in journals such as Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Public Economic Theory. He has received research funding from both public (e.g., ANR, Horizon2020) and private (private companies) institutions.
Since 2020, he is part of the executive board of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE). He has co-organized several conferences and workshops in Europe, and served as reviewer for major journal such as Management Science, Organization Science, Experimental Economics and Economic Theory.
Teaching areas: Corporate Strategy, International Development Strategy
Rabih HADDAD, Phd in Computer Science
Associate Professor
Dr. Rabih Haddad is an accomplished academic leader with over 15 years of experience in higher education and international relations. Currently the Associate Dean of Development and International Relations at Paris School of Business, he oversees program development, global partnerships, and internationalization initiatives. A trilingual professional fluent in English, French, and Arabic, he has designed innovative academic programs, secured key accreditations, and built networks across 10 countries.
Dr. Haddad holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science, with research focusing on intelligent decision support systems for student assessment. An experienced lecturer and researcher, his work has been published in leading journals and conferences on knowledge management and AI in education. Passionate about global education, he brings cross-cultural insights and practical expertise to his teaching, inspiring students to excel in a globalized world.
Teaching areas: Information Systems Management, CRM, Business Intelligence, Machine Learning, Linear Algebra, Operating Systems, Optimization Theory, Probability & Statistics
David KALISZ, PhD in Economics
Associate Professor
David KALISZ, (Doctor in Economics, Warsaw School of Economics in 2013), is an Associate Professor in the Management of Paris School of Business. He is a member of the Management Department. He teaches Megatrends and Understanding Future, Strategic Foresight, Corporate Strategy and related topics in the Expert Programs. His main research interests include strategic foresight, competitive, technological development, innovation, technology, and artificial intelligence. His researches have been published in journals such as Journal of Business Research, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. His researches have also been presented at numerous national and international Management conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: Mega Trends and Understanding Future
Margaux LANGLOIS, PhD in Management
Assistant Professor
Margaux Langlois is an assitant professor in Paris School of Business and she is holding a PhD in management from Paris Dauphine University. Her research focuses on new forms of organization (open organizations, liberated company, holacracy, sociocracy, etc.), in line with more democratic or participatory approaches through a critical perspective.
At PSB, she teaches strategy, organization theory and human resources management in French (PGE) and international programs (Msc and MBA). Before starting her PhD, Margaux worked as a project manager, as a consultant and as a HR manager. These professional experiences contribute to enrich her teaching and research.
Teaching areas: Corporate Strategy, Organizations & Leadership
Kai LUO, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Dr. Kai Luo is an Associate Professor of Operations Management at Paris School of Business. He teaches courses such as operations management, inventory management, supply chain management and operational logistic management. His research interests include supply chain management, mechanism design and healthcare operations. He received his Ph.D in operations management and information system from HEC Paris in France. Prior to that, he received his B.E. in construction management from Tsinghua University in China and M.E. in operations management from Ecole Centrale Paris in France.
Teaching areas: Operation Management, Supply Chain, Supply Chain Strategy
Olivier MAMAVI, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Olivier MAMAVI, PhD in Management, University of Poitiers in 2013, is an Associate professor in the Management Department of Paris School of Business. He teaches Data Management, Machine Learning and related topics in the Master programs. His main research interests include Data Management and Open innovation. His researches have been published in journals such as Management Decision or Industrial Management & Data System. His researches have been presented at numerous national Information Systems conferences and published as Conference Proceedings. He is also head of data at Management & Datascience, a free open innovation platform.
Teaching areas: Project Management (Scrum), Business Intelligence
Valerie MERINDOL, PhD in Political sciences, HDR
Full Professor
Valerie MERINDOL, Docteur in political science and HDR in management, Strasbourg University in 2008, is a Full Professor in the Department of management of Paris School of Business. She is a founder of the newPIC Chair.
She teaches Managment of Innovation and change management, Knowledge and Innovation maangement and related topics in the BBA, Master 1 and 2. Her main research interests include creativity management, Innovation Management, Change management, Ecosystems strategy. Her researches have been published in journals such as European Management Review, RD Management, European Journal of Innovation Management. Her researches have also been presented at numerous national and international conferences such as EURAM and EGOS conference and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: Innovation & Knowledge Management, Innovation Management
Nessrine OMRANI, PhD in Economics, HDR
Full Professor
Nessrine OMRANI, (Ph.D. in Economics, University Paris Saclay in 2012, HDR (habilitation to conduct researches) in Management, University Paris Est in 2020), is a Full Professor in the Management Department of Paris School of Business. She is Head of the Management Department. She teaches Digital Transformation, Business Model and related topics in the Master programs.
Her main research interests include Digital Transformation, Privacy and Industrial Organization. Her researches have been published in journals such as Journal of Economic Literature, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Her researches have also been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: Digitalization in the Luxury Industry, Business Model
Charles PEREZ, PhD in Computer Sciences
Associate Professor
Charles Perez, (PhD in Computer Sciences, University of Technology of Troyes in 2014), is an Associate Professor in the Management Department of Paris School of Business. He teaches social network analysis, IoT and Arduino project and related topics and organizes Hackathons in the Digital Business Master program. His main research interests include social network analysis, social media influences and new technologies, such as web 3 and virtual reality, and how they affect users and viewers. His research has been published in journals such as Decision Support Systems, Technological forecasting and social change, Journal of retailing and consumer services and others. His research has also been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published as Conference Proceedings. He has also published multiple books on the subjects related to her research, such as “Digital jail” (fr. Prison numérique) and “The metaverse manual” (fr. Le manuel du métavers).
Teaching areas: Social network analysis & digital identity, Arduino Innovation Project and IOT
Fabrice PERIAC, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Fabrice Periac is Associate Professor at Paris School of Business. He holds a PhD in economics from University Jean Monnet in Saint-Etienne, since 2014. His research focuses on entrepreneurship and innovation, and more specifically on the way they contribute to sustainable development. Former professional basketball player (1998-2010), he is also involved in leveraging sports games for social and educational purposes through social entrepreneurship projects. He founded the non-profit S-Team Ta Ville in 2013 (games for social inclusion in Parisian suburbs), as well as the enterprise S-Team Experience in 2017 (games for sustainability education).
Teaching areas: Principles of Entrepreuneurship, Sustainability
Salomé Picard is Lecturer at Paris School of Business.
Graduated from an entrepreneurship master of Paris School of Business, she is passionated about social innovation and worked as a support for social businesses.
She acted as a coordinator for the European Project BEYOU whose aim was to work on building entrepreneurial minset in YOUth for a sustainable society
Moreover, she is the co-founder of a french society called Guria France which fights against forced prostitution and sex human trafficking in India.
Teaching areas: Ideation, Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship
Meriam RAZGALLAH, PhD in Management
Assistant Professor
Meriam Razgallah, Dr. in management sciences (doctorate obtained from Grenoble Alpes University in 2020), is an Associate Professor at the department of management at Paris School of Business. Meriam teaches Strategy & business model, leadership & management, luxury entrepreneurship, project management, in the PGE and expert programs.
Her main research interests include social and minority entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial processes. Meriam has several articles published in peer-reviewed journals such as technological forecasting and social change, European Management Review, Journal of Organizational change management, Journal of Knowledge Management, International journal of entrepreneurship and small business and International Entrepreneurship & Management Journal. Her researches have also been presented at numerous national and international management conferences (AOM, CIFEPME, RENT., ICSB, AIMS, USASBE, Diana International conference..) and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: Project Management (Planning / Team Management) - Management & Leadership
Nada REJEB, PhD in Management, HDR
Associate Professor
Nada Rejeb is Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Paris School of Business . She is also Head of the Mater of International Business at Paris School of Business. Her research interests revolve around entrepreneurship, innovation, knowledge networks, and collaborative relationships, with a specific interest in family firm strategies. Nada Rejeb is also interested in topical issues in strategy and entrepreneurship, such as health in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial entry by disadvantaged minorities. Nada Rejeb is ad hoc referee for the Journal of Small Business Economics, Regional Entrepreneurship and Development, Technology in Society, Journal of Family Business Strategy, Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat, the Fund for Scientific Research - FNRS (Belgium) and is member of the editorial review board of International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research.
Teachings areas: Core Project 1: Ideation, Innovate & Entrepreneurship, Global Strategy Expansion & Business Transformation
Karina SOKOLOVA, PhD in Computer Sciences
Associate Professor
Karina Sokolova, (PhD in Computer Sciences, University of Technology of Troyes in 2016), is an Associate Professor in the Management Department of Paris School of Business. She teaches Cyber Security, Mobile development, and related topics and organizes Hackathons in the Digital Business Master program. Her main research interests include social media influences and new technologies, such as web 3 and virtual reality, and how they affect users and viewers. Her research has been published in journals such as Decision Support Systems, Technological forecasting and social change, Journal of retailing and consumer services and others. Her research has also been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published as Conference Proceedings. She has also published multiple books on the subjects related to her research, such as “Digital jail” (fr. Prison numérique) and “The metaverse manual” (fr. Le manuel du métavers)."
Teachins areas: Cyber Security, Mobile Development on Android
Senior Lecturer
Richard THOMPSON, MBA from INSEAD 1988, is Senior Lecturer in the Management Department of Paris School of Business. He teaches Project Management and Innovation and related topics in the MSc and MBA programs.
Teaching areas: Project Management, Restructuring & M&A
Antoine VENIARD, PhD in Management, HDR
Associate Professor
Antoine Véniard has been Director of Programs and Student Experience at Paris School of Business since 2021.
He holds a PhD in Management from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne and a HDH from the University of Corte.
He is a Professor of Management and Leadership.
Teaching area: Management
David VERSAILLES, PhD in Management , HDR
Full Professor
David W VERSAILLES (Dr in Economics, 1998, Univ. Aix Marseille 3 ; HDR in economics, 2008, Univ. Nice), is a Full Professor at Paris School of Business since 2013. He has founded the newPIC chair (new Practices for Innovation and Creativity) in 2014 at Paris School of Business, and co-headed the chair since that date. He is also a part-time Research Director at Luxembourg School of Business since 2019. David W VERSAILLES is a French citizen with residence in Luxembourg. His main research interests include the management of innovation, corporate strategy (dynamic capabilities and business models), and methodology of the social sciences. His research has been published in journals such as European Management Journal, Management International, and International Journal of Innovation Management. His research has also been presented at numerous national and international conferences (EURAM, EGOS, etc.) and published as Conference Proceedings (CINET, etc.). He teaches corporate strategy, business modelling, and the management of innovation in different Master’s in Management specialization. David W. VERSAILLES is currently present in different national and international research communities, but mostly committed to the European Academy of Management (EURAM). He has been elected chair of EURAM Strategic Interest Group in Innovation in June 2022 (for the term 2023-2025). In this position, he is coordinating EURAM’s activities in the domain of innovation and facilitating the organization of the annual conference (2000+ paper submissions) at the level of the SIG. Beside the organization of EURAM annual conference, David W VERSAILLES is also committed to organizing several conferences and research workshops in the domains of innovation management each year. In parallel with his academic activities, David W VERSAILLES also develops a career as consultant in his research domains.
Teaching areas: Corporate Strategy, Business Case 1
Senior Lecturer
Madjid Yahiaoui (DESS Management des Projets Territoriaux at Université PARIS XII in 2000) is Senior Lecturer of Entrepreneurship at Paris School of Business.
He teaches Management and more specifically Entrepreneurship and Business Development as well as related topics in Bachelor and Master degree programs. His interests lie in the area of business plan and business model optimization.
He also operates as the Head of the Master of Entrepreneurship and Business Development in the Master in Management Program and in the Bachelor Program.
Teaching areas: Design Project & Entrepreneurship, Crowdfunding Campaign
Chloé ZANARDI, PhD in Management
Assistant Professor
Chloé Zanardi is an Assistant Professor in management at Paris School of Business and is currently completing a PhD in management sciences at the University of Montpellier. Her research focuses on the relationships between large corporations and SMEs, adopting a perspective that accounts for the complexity of their cooperative and competitive interactions, contributing to open innovation dynamics. At Paris School of Business, she teaches strategy, international development, and entrepreneurship in both French and international programs. Before and during her PhD, Chloé gained extensive experience as a project manager and consultant, particularly in the defense sector, where she worked on topics such as quantum technologies, artificial intelligence, and robotics. She has also taught at various institutions, including Montpellier Business School and the University of Paris-Dauphine. Her professional experiences enrich her teaching, bringing a practical and current perspective to her courses.
Teaching areas: International Development Strategy, Globalization: Think Global, Act Local
Chiraz AOUINA MEJRI, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Chiraz Aouina-Mejri (PhD, Paris-Est University) is an Associate Professor at Paris School of Business. Her research interests include corporate social responsibility, retailers’ marketing and consumer’s resistance.
Her researches have been published in journals such International Journal of Market Research and Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
Her research has also been presented at numerous national and international marketing conferences. She currently operates as the Dean of the Master in Management Program.
Teaching areas: Strategic and Operational Marketing, Market Research
Christelle AUBERT HASSOUNI, PhD in Management
Assistant Professor
Christelle AUBERT HASSOUNI (Ph.D. in Management Science and Marketing, ESCP Business School and Panthéon-Sorbonne University in 2023), is an Assistant professor in the Marketing & Communication Department of Paris School of Business.
She teaches Integrated Communication in Marketing Management, New Insights about Consumer Behavior and related topics in the Bachelor, MIM and MSc Marketing Programs.
Her main research interests include Consumer Privacy, Personal data protection and Consumer Behavior. Her research has been presented at numerous national and international Marketing conferences and published as Conference Proceedings. During her Ph.D. journey, she participated in different high-level international workshops, such as European Marketing Academy Doctoral Colloquium or CEFAG (founded by FNEGE, a French foundation for Management Education).
Teaching areas: Marketing & Communication
Ons BELAID, PhD in Management
Assistant Professor
Ons BELAID is an Assistant Professor of marketing and cultural insights. Her research focuses on alternative organizations, initiated by non-expert consumers and their perpetual hunt for newly alternative life modes. Within this domain, she studies the growing lifestyle movement of “housing cooperatives” and explores topics related to the sociocultural and symbolic aspects of consumption such as consuming utopian spaces, shared possessions, liquid consumption, intergenerational transfer and the role of consumers as self-emancipating agents, seeking refuge from the mundane reality of real estate.
Teaching areas: Marketing Mix and Product Innovation - Marketing Management and Communication
Wissal BEN ARFI, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Wissal BEN ARFI, Ph.D. in Strategic and Innovation Management, University of Grenoble-Alpes in 2014), is an Associate Professor and Head of Marketing & Communication Department at Paris School of Business. She teaches Strategic Management & Technological Innovation, Introduction to Entrepreneurship and related topics in the in the MSc International Management and MIM Program. Her main research interests include Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship, Digital Platforms, Digitalization, Knowledge Sharing. Her research have been published in journals such as Journal of Business Research, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Small Business Economics. Her research have also been presented at numerous national and international Strategic Management & Marketing conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: Entrepreneurship - Marketing Fundamentals
Manuela COUSIN
Senior Lecturer
Consultant specialized in the field of know-be professional, Specialist coaching and management training, leadership, personal development, interpersonal communication and business practices. Creative and pragmatic in the business world, I propose an innovative bridge between students and the corporate world. Course over 18 years of experience in various commercial positions in three different companies (French culture, Japanese and American): BARBARA, WACOAL International, REEBOK; 10 years of experience in the service of the "Corporate Relations" a business school and education with the creation of the course "BUSINESS SPIRIT" focuses on the attitudes and professional behaviors. Development of relations with business, management and management of this service. BUSINESS SPIRIT: an innovative educational program based on professional know-being. Establish a winning mindset .... a spirit of business. Build a real and solid bridge between the business world, the world of school and the world of youth. Responsible Leadership seminars Management with the proposal of a new seminar format or group values are highlighted. Introduction of the concept of CHALLENGE among students. Head of Enterprise DESTINATION FUTURE, innovative training programs tailored design oriented attitudes and professional behaviors intended for Schools, Businesses and Local Missions.
Teaching areas: Sales & Negotiation, Leadership & Management
Demba Ousmane DIOUF, PhD in Management
Assistant Professor
Demba Ousmane DIOUF, (PhD in Marketing, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne in 2022), is an Assistant professor in the Marketing Department of Paris School of Business. He teaches Principles of Marketing, Web marketing, quantitative techniques and related topics. His main research focuses on the interaction effects between the atmospheric factors of commercial websites on surfers' reactions. His research has been presented at numerous national and international marketing conferences and published in conference proceedings such as those of the Academy of Marketing Science, the French Marketing Association (AFM), the International Marketing Trends Conference, and the Information & Management Association (AIM).
Teaching areas: Marketing Management: Integrated Communication, Digital Communication Development
Mariem EL EUCH, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Mariem El Euch Maalej is Associate Professor of marketing at Paris School of Business. She holds two Master Degrees from Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne (2007) and IAE Gustave Eiffel (2006). She received her PhD from Université Paris Est Créteil (2011). Her research focuses on understanding consumer behaviour, his values, representations and his critical point of view about consumption and market practices. She is particularly interested in customer experience, luxury marketing, branding strategies and gastronomy. Her research has been published in ranked academic journals (e.g., Recherche et Applications en Marketing, Décisions Marketing, Management & Avenir etc.) and are presented in international conferences (ACR, EMAC, ICR, Marketing Trends Conference, etc.).
Teaching areas: Marketing Management: Integrated Communication - Communication & Social media
Valerie HAIE
Senior Lecturer
Valérie HAIE, Graduate of an MBA in Luxury Brand Marketing & International Management, E.D.C. Paris in 1997 is a Senior lecturer in Marketing / Luxury Management of Paris School of Business.
Teaching areas: Legacy and Sustainability in Key Luxury Markets, History of Luxury, Luxury Retail, Marketing and related topics in Master in Management and Master of Science Programs. She also operates as the head of the luxury of the MiM and MSc programs of Paris School Business
Daniel MAAR, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Daniel MAAR, (Doctorate in Marketing, University of Passau in 2019), is an Associate Professor in the Marketing Analytics & eXperience Insights Department of Paris School of Business. He is a member of the Chair Living Health. He teaches Service Marketing, Quantitative Techniques and related topics in the BBA, MSc, MBA, and DBA. His main research interests include Service Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and International Marketing, often with a focus on key challenges at the customer interface. His researches have been published in journals such as the Journal of Business Research, the Journal of Service Management, and Recherche et Applications en Marketing His researches have also been presented at numerous national and international marketing conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: Operational and Advanced Marketing, Service Marketing
Valentine MAHDAVY
Senior Lecturer
Valentine Mahdavy is Senior Lecturer at Paris School of Business. She teaches Communication and related topics in Bachelor and Master degree programs. Her interests lie in the area of marketing and business model development.
Teaching areas: Consumer Behavior - Personal Branding
Amélie MARTIN, PhD in Management
Assistant Professor
Amélie Martin (PhD in Marketing, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL in 2022), is an Assistant Professor in the Marketing department of Paris School of Business. She teaches data management for customer experience, artificial intelligence for marketing and related topics in the Programme Grande Ecole Master Marketing Insights and Data Analytics. Her main research interests include customer and stakeholder experience management, value processes, business networks and marketing ethics. Her researches have been presented at numerous national and international Marketing conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: Data management for customers experience management Ethical, Artificial Intelligence for Marketing
Xavier MENAUD, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Xavier MENAUD, (Phd in Management Sciences, Paris II Panthéon Assas in 2010), is an Associate Professor in the Marketing and Communication Department of Paris School of Business.
He teaches Marketing Management, Communication and related topics in the Bachelor and MIM Programs. He currently operates as the Head of Bachelor Program of Paris School of Business.
His research include several study cases related to the marketing field, that were published for the CCMP - Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogique.
Teaching areas: Communication Strategy, Quantitative and Qualitative Studies
Marie-Claire MREJEN
Senior Lecturer
Teaching areas: Sales & Negociations, Business Developpement
Judith PARTOUCHE-SEBBAN, PhD in Management, HDR
Full Professor
Judith Partouche-Sebban, (PhD, HDR in Marketing, Paris Dauphine University in 2022), is Full Professor in the Marketing department of Paris School of Business. She is a founder of the Living Health Chair. She teaches Market Studies, Quantitative Techniques and related topics in the Bachelor and PGE programs.
Her main research interests include Vulnerable Consumers, Mortality Salience and Consumption, Patient Experience, Healthcare Services. Her researches have been published in journals such as Journal of Organizational Change Management, International Marketing Review, Journal of Business Research, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Marketing Management. Her researches have also been presented at numerous national and international Marketing and Management conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: The Principles of Marketing, Market Research
Françoise PASSERARD, PhD student in Management
Assistant Professor
Françoise PASSERARD, (DEA in Sociology, EHESS Paris in 2004), is an Assistant Professor in the Marketing and Communication Department of Paris School of Business. She teaches Advertising, Emerging markets and Qualitative Research techniques and related topics in the Master in Management, Bachelor in Business Administration, MSc in Management and MBA programs. Her main research interests include Transformative Consumer Research, Consumer Vulnerability and Social Marketing. Her researches have been published in journals such as Journal of Marketing Management and at Routledge publishing. Her researches have also been presented at numerous national and international Marketing conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: Consumer Behavior, Advertising
Nuno SANTOS, (Masters of Hospitality management in Hospitality management, GIHE in 2008, is Lecturer in the Marketing Department of Paris School of Business. He/she teaches Strategy in Hospitality Industry, Digital Business and related topics in the International BBA and MSC in Hospitality Industry. His main research interests include Hospitality industry, Project management and instructional design.
Teaching areas: Human Resource Management, Digital Business Strategies
Lulu SHI, PhD in Management
Assistant Professor
Teaching areas: Crosscultural Marketing & Consumption, Corporate Social Responsibility
Ioannis THEODORAKIS, PhD in Management
Associate Professor
Ioannis Theodorakis, (PhD in Marketing and Communication, Athens University of Economics and Business in 2011), is an Associate Professor in the Marketing and Communication Department of Paris School of Business.
He teaches Brands and Branding, Marketing Management: Integrated Communication and related topics in the MSc in International Marketing and Business Development, Master in Management of the Grande Ecole program, MSc in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management; Bachelor in Business Administration. He is also an affiliated visiting professor at Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP) in Puebla, Mexico, and a visiting professor at ALBA Graduate Business School The American College of Greece in Athens, Greece.
His main research interests include the explanation of consumers’ responses to marketing stimuli based on relevant psychological theories, the use of taboos and controversy in marketing communications, the effectiveness of rhetoric in advertising, the conceptual and market dynamics of market driving strategy.
His researches have been published in journals such as Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research. He is a member of the editorial review board of the Journal of Advertising since January 2023.
His researches have also been presented at numerous national and international Marketing conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: Marketing Research, Critical thinking seminar
Shiva VAZIRI, PhD in Management
Assistant Professor
Shiva VAZIRI, (Ph.D. in Business Administration – Marketing, Grenoble Ecole de Management, 2023), is an Assistant professor in the Marketing & Communication Department of Paris School of Business.
She is a member of the Consumer Behavior & Technology-based Interaction research center.
She teaches Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior and related topics in the Master MIB and other programs.
Her main research interests include consumers’ identity and self-concept, sustainable consumption, human-robot interaction and technology adoption.
Her researches have been published in journals such as Journal of Services Marketing.
Her researches have also been presented at numerous national and international Marketing conferences and published as Conference Proceedings.
Teaching areas: Marketing Management : integrated communication, Crosscultural Marketing & Consumption
Senior Lecturer
Claire CHRISTEA (Cambridge DELTA (Diploma in English Language Teaching To Adults), University of Cambridge; MRes in Language and Translation Sciences, Sorbonne Nouvelle; MA in English Linguistics, Sorbonne Nouvelle), is a Senior Lecturer in the English Department of Paris School of Business.
She teaches Business English, IELTS & TOEIC Preparation, and related topics in the undergraduate, Master’s and Bachelor’s degree programmes. Her main research interests include Lexicology, Old English, Diachronic and Synchronic Linguistics, and Conversation Analysis, and Generative AI.
Teaching area: English
Senior Lecturer
Pprofessional Trainer who has created and taught courses on Excel, Concepts and Design of Websites, Advanced Responsive Site Design, PhotoShop, InDesign and Illustrator, HTML & CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Insure / 90 modules and subsystems ...
With over ten years of experience as a trainer, with interpersonal skills and a proven ability to forge excellent relationships with all stakeholders at all levels.
Team Manager / Technical Architect / Confirmed Analyst, efficient, flexible and dynamic with more than 20 years of technical experience on the AS400, having worked in many European countries. Has managed and participated in the technical success of IT projects, in order to deliver them according to the precise design specifications in different branches such as insurance, finance and stock management.
Project Manager persevering, resourceful and determined with excellent analytical skills and a successful track record in developing, implementing and managing multiple projects, within budget, framework, and timeframe, even under pressure and across several countries at the same time.
Teaching areas: Excel, VBA
Senior Lecturer
English trainer and Senior Lecturer in English since 2014, Several seminars on the history of English through popular music Also works in the music industry as a sound designer, songwriter, band leader and producer Broad knowledge in general culture (music, cinema, history, political science).
Teaching area: English
Senior Lecturer
After having started her career within different business schools as an English teacher,( BTS , international trade, marketing, accounting),has also been an examinor for oral trainings for students in prep schools.Has also taught English to exécutives within the corporate world. She is currently,combining the position of Head of the English Department within Paris School of Business as well as teaching Business English, specialised in the preparation of the IELTS, TOEIC among other assignments.
Teaching area: English
Josue Angel GONZALEZ
Senior Lecturer
Josué Angel Gonzalez, (DEA DIPLOME D’ETUDES APPROFONDIES in DIDACTOLOGIE DES LANGUES ET DES CULTURES, UNIVERSITE PARIS 3, SORBONNE NOUVELLE in 1995), He is a Senior Lecturer in the Spanish Department of Paris School of Business. He is a member of the CIP (Commission d’innovation pédagogique). He teaches in the PGE and Bachelor programs and related topics in the Spanish Department. Also he teaches Inspiring Weeks: “Elements of Latin American culture”.
Teaching areas: Spanish
Senior Lecturer
Thierry Monlouis is Senior Lecturer at Paris School of Business. He teaches computer science and related topics in Bachelor and Master degree programs.
Teaching areas: Excel, VBA
Marie-France ROPARTZ
Senior Lecturer
Marie-France Ropartz is Senior Lecturer at Paris School of Business. She teaches computer science and related topics in Bachelor and Master degree programs.
Teaching areas: Tech For Business: Mastery of Office Tools, Excel
Senior Lecturer
Nora SANCHEZ-GONZALEZ, (Master 2 in master in international management intercultural course, from PARIS DAUPHINE university in 2019), is Senior lecturer in the Languages and cross-functional skills Department of Paris School of Business.
She is also a PhD student in Education Sciences. She teaches Spanish in the Master in Management and Bachelor Programs. Her interests include topics related to pedagogical innovation. She is a member of pedagogical innovation commission of Paris School of Business.
Teaching area: Spanish