Recruiting our talents


Paris School of Business students will be your colleagues and managers of the future. To prepare them for the roles that await them, the company must occupy a central place in their training as a fully-fledged partner.    

It is for this reason that we invite companies to get involved in school life at various levels that meet their requirements whilst contributing actively to developing students and in line with the training programs available on the market.


Contact the team 

Corporate partnerships:

Apprenticeship monitoring:

Job posting:

For internship agreements:

For apprenticeship contracts:



Meeting our students at school-organized events


Participating in a Master Class 

A Master Class is a full day dedicated to a specialization from the Grande Ecole-Master in Management program. Once a year, each head of specialization organizes a day-long specialization for first- and second-year Masters students.    

The aim of this event is to enable students to:  

  • Meet one another over the course of a dedicated day-long event 
  • Work together on sector-specific issues 
  • Conduct prospective analysis 

Master Class days may take the form of a conference or challenge, for which the participation of companies is greatly appreciated.


Speaking at a conference

Around 70 conferences on current issues and topics from the professional world are also held each year. They are run by professionals who are also on hand to answer questions directly from students.


Organizing a student challenge

A number of companies entrust us with projects on which students are asked to work over the course of a semester. This is the case for Sephora,, Leclerc, Vente-privé, Microsoft, Apple, AFM Téléthon, Renault and Auchan. 

The projects comprise case studies, agency competitions, challenges or study missions, the results from which are presented by students to the participating sponsor companies.


Taking part in the Forum École Entreprises

The Careers & Corporate Relations service organizes every year different types of recruitment events for corporate partners in order to facilitate the recruitment process.    

The highlight of these meetings is the Forum Écoles Entreprises. Each year Paris School of Business holds over the course of the third week of March a large-scale recruitment fair.   

Over 130 companies each year attend the event on campus in order to meet third-, fourth- and fifth-year students.   

Internships throughout the curriculum 

Students must carry out internships during their curriculum within the school. These generally last at least two months each.   

Students can also go on short-term internships as part of partnerships between the school and important cultural events (fairs, festivals, symposiums) where they are tasked with managing the press and VIPs, links with exhibitors or artists, logistics, mediation etc.    


Internships throughout the curriculum


Students must carry out internships during their curriculum within the school. These generally last at least two months each.  
Students can also go on short-term internships as part of partnerships between the school and important cultural events (fairs, festivals, symposiums) where they are tasked with managing the press and VIPs, links with exhibitors or artists, logistics, mediation etc.

VIP partners 


Since 2004, Nicolas has been recruiting around 30 Paris School of Business interns per year for a variety of different missions (trade, sales, negotiations).   

Every year our partner Promogim, the number one independent real estate promoter, has called upon Paris School of Business students as part of its summer intern recruitment campaign. The network offers them training that will enable them to acquire the fundamentals of real estate sales, financing and fiscality, and then live an eye-opening experience of sales with strong added value.   


Our partner companies