This project aims to create, develop and test fun educational tools on sustainable development and social entrepreneurship. It is developed for young people aged 13 to 25 from underprivileged neighborhoods who are currently less involved in these issues.
For the construction of this large-scale project which lasted 3 years, Paris School of Business worked together with different universities and organizations:
- Universita Degli Studi di Catania
- En'jeux Communs : the association raises awareness, leads discussions and develops actions with workshop organizers and citizens on environmental and social changes
- Youth ID : the organization promotes youth empowerment and personal development
- TDM 2000 : the association develops the personal and professional skills of young people through learning and innovative education
From this project was created a free open-source training on societal issues through social entrepreneurship. It consists of a workshop (spread over 30 hours) composed of games to get young people to think and propose solutions to climate and societal issues.
Three years after the start of BE YOU, the project is now ready to be deployed across Europe targeting young people through associations, community centers and schools. It is based on three games:
Ecological Renaissance
This game is focused on finding the solutions for ecological transitions. It helps young people to change the way they consider ecology in order to understand it in its entirety (reduce climate change, preserve natural resources, preserve biodiversity, reduce social inequalities).
The 2Tonnes game invites participants to explore the future as a team and try to limit climate change by reaching the famous 2 tons of CO2 emissions per year and per person, by 2050.
Grind & Get Started
A team board game to discover social entrepreneurship. A game that allows the participants to follow and discover the journey of several social entrepreneurs while learning about the challenges they had to face to succeed in their projects. It is an interactive and action-oriented workshop because participants will have to think about a social entrepreneurship project idea and set up the first actions to implement this project.
Global warming is at the heart of the debate and each country must reinvent its modes of production and consumption to make them sustainable and responsible. Everyone has to act at their own level: states, regions, cities, companies and individuals.
BE YOU has chosen to act at the individual level because we are convinced that individual actions can lead to a collective dynamic with a strong positive impact. The project we have created aims to raise awareness of these issues among young people with fewer opportunities and also to offer them keys to concrete action, particularly through social entrepreneurship. In order to ensure a socially just and equitable transition, no one should be left out of this subject. It is therefore essential to ensure the transmission and popularization of scientific knowledge to as many people as possible: this is one of BE YOU's missions.
For more information on the project, visit the website: https://www.youthid.net/fr/be-you/