In line with its ambition to create pertinent scientific contributions both from academic and professional perspectives, the Paris School of Business is pleased to announce the publication of the book "l'Alternance: regards croisés", available at: https://www.ggee.fr/regards-croises-alternance-telechargement
Based on numerous interviews with those involved in apprenticeship programmes (students and their families, CFA (Centre de formation d’apprentis) directors, teachers, company managers and HR directors, OPCOs (Opérateurs de compétences), politicians, etc.), the book aims to provide a focus, to understand how each player sees apprenticeship programmes today… but also to shed light on the road still ahead in order to consolidate this dynamic. As a driver for equal opportunities and integration into employment, apprenticeship deserves to be developed and to continue its tremendous progress.
The book was recently submitted to the Ministry of Labour, Full Employment and Integration. Through this book, the Paris School of Business reaffirms its commitment to apprenticeship as an educational and training issue, but even more so, as a real socio-economic and societal issue, in line with its motto "research for practice".
Prefaced by Marc-François Mignot-Mahon, CEO President of the Galileo Global Education Group and coordinated by Pierre Beaulier, Managing Director of Galileo Global Education Entreprises, this book sheds both quantitative and qualitative light on the current dynamics of apprenticeship programmes in France.
At Paris School of Business, it was coordinated by Héger Gabteni, Dean for Faculty and Research. Most of the writing was done by Nathalie Bitbol-Saba, Researcher, Associate Professor.
Many thanks to all the teams of researchers, professors, administrators, promotion officers, students and alumni of PSB as well as the teams of Galileo Global Education for their contributions!