Workshop Banks and Financial Markets

The 2nd PSB Workshop on Banks and Financial Markets will take place on May 12th at Paris School of Business

Workshop Banks and Financial Markets

The workshop hosts this year researchers from major European Universities, senior analysts and economists from the Austrian National Bank, the Bank of England and Banque de France.

The main objective of this workshop is to create a platform for academic discussions on current issues regarding banks and financial markets. It is intended to bring together researchers and academics to present their latest research findings, provide insights into current trends and developments and get feedback from their peers.

The theme of the workshop is particularly important given the recent concerning developments in the banking industry that have had a serious impact on financial markets. We expect this workshop to provide timely and relevant insights into the topic and foster collaboration among researchers.

This workshop is designed for researchers and academics in the field of finance and economics. It also provides practitioners an opportunity to have a deeper understanding of major issues in banking and financial markets based on rigorous scientific analysis.


Frederica SALVADE

Frederica SALVADE, 

Associate Professor of Finance, PSB



Associate Professor of Finance, PSB


Whelsy BOUNGOU, 

Associate Professor of Finance, PSB

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