Graduated with a Ph.D in Management Sciences majoring in management and human resources from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne in 1998, and an HDR (Ability to conduct researches, or in French, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) from the University of Corte in 2009, Antoine Véniard started his career as a consultant in management and project organization within the Institute of Management of EDF / GDF.
After a few years of experience as a job and skills manager in the aeronautics sector, Antoine Véniard turned to higher education where he worked successively at the University of Lyon 3 (in charge of tutorials ), at HEC (lecturer & tutor) and at EM Normandie, for more than 20 years.
cently appointed Director of Programs at Paris School of Business, Antoine Véniard aims to transform the school's program offering and rethinking the student experience:
A Business School must be an accelerator of professional and personal maturity. This is why we are going to multiply concrete experiences, strengthen the links between the courses and their immediate applications through responsible projects, civic engagement, business experiences, business games... Also, we will use the strength of 'a Group (Galileo) to diversify and enrich students' careers to make them more open & agile. The new PGE will have the “Business for Good” identity, so that all the students trained by PSB will have this culture, these values and this positive obsession to reconcile business, human and environmental values.